Transgulf manufactures a wide range of concrete pavers with different attractive textures and colors to match your outdoor living space in the comfort of your own design. A variety of color choices and finishes allow you to have unlimited possibilities to develop the natural beauty of your surroundings. Transgulf’s paving stones are versatile, aesthetically attractive to meet the demand of any type of landscape architect and cost effective.
The super strong Honeycomb paving system brings together the superior interlocking strength of the industrial paver and a stunning contemporary design in one unparalleled combination. Manufactured from high strength concrete, they are exceptionally tough and can withstand extreme loads and high stress.
Honeycomb’s strength and durability make it a perfect choice for heavy-duty applications such as industrial roadways, airports, container terminals, rail yards and car parks. Owing to the high strength concrete from which they are manufactured, Honeycomb pavings design is inspiered by nature thus survive well beyond normal life expectations, proving to be cost effective solution in the long term.