Transgulf manufactures a wide range of concrete pavers with different attractive textures and colors to match your outdoor living space in the comfort of your own design. A variety of color choices and finishes allow you to have unlimited possibilities to develop the natural beauty of your surroundings. Transgulf’s paving stones are versatile, aesthetically attractive to meet the demand of any type of landscape architect and cost effective.
Economical and ubiquitous, the unipaver is one of our most popular paving solutions. The Uni is most renowned for its superior locking strength. It’s serrated edges ensure that each block fits snugly against the next, creating an interlocked pattern capable of taking on enormous loads. The inherent shape of the paver, with its two axis upon which concentrated loads can be placed, results in a uniform distribution of weight and an optimal release of tension. This explains the Uni’s outstanding durability, and why it is commonly used for covering large areas that witness heavy vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
Another reason for its popularity is that it remains unaffected by changes in season, be it scorching summers or biting winters, and requires no extra maintenance. The Unipaver can be laid in various patterns such as the stretcherboard, basket weave or herringbone. The Unistarter shape is used in tandem with Unipaver to create straight edges for the paving areas.