Transgulf’s tiles are highly versatile. They are mainly used for public walkways, yards and simply everywhere else you desire. Our tiles are made of concrete with natural aggregate and are available in different sizes to meet your requirement. Our choice of distinctive color and finishes will simply allow you to select the right tile for your designated environment. Transgulf’s tiles are manufactured using hydraulically pressed wet mix. Tiles are manufactured as per British Standards.
When it comes to creating an experience, every single element of the site is important in making the right impression. While many may not notice a good tile design, structure and its particular role in the overall ambiance, but if anything is wrong, the same tile is bound to be noticed. Transgulf’s Hydraulic Press Tiles are built with precision to ensure durability, making it ideal for places having low as well as high foot fall, adding a different level of perfection to the overall experience of your site.
Each of our tiles is manufactured with standard top- quality materials, employing state of the art hydraulic press technology. Ideally tiles of multiple colors are placed together to add to the design element of the site, cutting down maintenance costs.

Our tiles fit perfectly with each other, creating a flawless, comfortably smooth walkway. Transgulf offers a wide range of sizes, colors and textures, making our tiles suitable for places of completely different natures, from sports stadiums to beaches, from public parks to monumental mosques.
The process of hydraulic press allows for not only efficient, cost effective production of tiles, but also for standardization and perfection. Transgulf uses the highest level of scientific equipment and process for production of tiles, ensuring sustainability, durability and perfection in each and every tile.